Movies and Series — February 2022

Movies and series I’ve watched during February 2022

Jordi Escudé Gòdia
2 min readMay 3, 2022
Peacemaker — Encanto — It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Peacemaker S01 (9/10)
Enjoyable spin-off of one of the best villains/antiheroes of the DC franchise. Super fast jokes with a mix of comedy, gore and dark humor. Cena is supreme.

Encanto (7/10)
Enjoyable and emotive Disney Pixar drama, about a young woman born in a family where everyone has powers but her. It has some powerful songs.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S15 (6/10)
Better from last seasons. A bit back to normal, funnier. Still way down from the highest point of the series.

The Book of Boba Fett (5/10)
The fact that the best rated episodes are the ones where the main character isn’t on it tells you a story. I get why they are trying to “save” the evil character from his past and sell it as a reformed good person (same with Peacemaker), but people wanted the cold/old bounty hunter. That’s what people loved about him.

