Movies and Series — January 2021

Movies and series I’ve watched during January 2021

Jordi Escudé Gòdia
2 min readFeb 14, 2021
The Expanse — The Sopranos — Curb your enthusiasm

The Expanse S05 (9/10)
Amazing Season. Went up from the previous one and left us with breaking plot twists. (The bigger one not being inside the show universe but impacting it directly).

The Sopranos S01-S04 (7/10)
Pending series from my list. I always stopped watching it at some point in Season 3. Looks old, but still hangs in there pretty good. Same as Breaking Bad, you get to care about a murderer.

Star trek discovery S03 7/10
A less interesting episodes at the end of the season, but quite good idea for the main plot. You get trapped in the stormy events of the crew.

Curb your enthusiasm S01-S04 (7/10)
Another pending series about the creator of Seinfeld, with lots of second hand embarrassment.

Greyhound (6/10)
Easy to watch second world war movie about ships and submarines. Tom Hanks plays Tom Hanks, being the noble lonely man.

Lupin Part 1 (4/10)
If you expect something similar at the animated movie The Castle of Calliogstro, you will be deeply disappointed, as I was.

Outside the wire 4/10
Action war movie about an IA. Not engaging enough.

Honest Thief (4/10)
Liam Nesson making one of his revenge movies. Doesn’t matter the job he plays in the movies, he’s always being vindictive in the plot.

The Rookie S03 (4/10)
Thought the show wouldn’t come back after the police brutality against black people and the demonstrations from the Defund the police movement. They are now trying to sell a fake loving and caring police department and members that no one would buy.

